Painting Inspiration

National Paint Week: Tutorial Painting British Flag on Fence Boards

I made this British Flag inspired art for my nephew, Kirby. He is 18 and collects flags from around the world, so I thought this would go...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Barns, Shacks and Outbuildings, Oh My....

On our way home from Seattle, we stopped at the Thorp, WA Fruit Stand. If you are ever out that direction, just outside of Elllensburg, WA, this is a must see. It is 3 stories of antiques and farm fresh fruits and veggies. {Sorry I didn't get a photo of it.Check out their website HERE.} After leaving the Fruit Stand, I spied this old barn across the freeway and headed over to snap a few photos. {Drove my teenagers nuts, but I told them it was the barn they were born in so they'd better pay attention. That confused them enough to buy me some time there. LOL!}

This massive barn must be 3 stories tall. It has seen better days but still seems to house some cows and farm equipment.

From this moment on, my husband and I had a plan. Photograph every barn, shack and outbuilding that caught our eye on the way home. It was an adventure that the kids eventually joined in on. It's a 5 hour drive so they were desperate for something to do after a while. Keep in mind we were in a moving car most of the time while shooting these pics. You can see the photos better if you click on them to enlarge.
 This tiny vintage barn sits in the middle of a field. There is nothing but plowed fields around it for what appeared miles. No home in sight, just this little old barn. If I had the time, I would have hiked out to it.

I wish I had a good zoom lense, I want to see this little beauty up close.

Fields as far as the eye can see... all soon to be fields of green. Look at those clouds! We were headed right towards that rain storm.

Rusty grain silo is a thing of beauty...

This old farm house and out buildings look heavenly to me...

This old Dairy is in our hometown. My husband works with it's owner and asked if I could take a tour and photograph it and the owner said yes! That's how we are spending our day on Friday! I can't wait! It's pealing brick exterior and old rusty parts are just beautiful to me. I can't wait to get inside.

Linking To:
Vintage Thingy Thursday at The Colorado Lady
Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Night Special


  1. What amazing old barns! I loved your quick response to your kids complaint about stopping at the barn! :-) Have you seen the blog where they all show barn pictures? You should post these there... OH I wish I could remember the name! I'll be back when I remember.

  2. Oh I love your photographs! I have such an addiction to old barns (or 'any' barns) and your pictures are heavenly. The open sky - just gorgeous! So glad I found your blog... may just have to become your latest follower! Stop by and visit my blog anytime!


  3. Those photo's are simply incredible! I hope you will share this at my VIP party today =)

  4. What a great way to spend time traveling.
    Usually I take part in several blog hops dedicated to barns and farm life. (Sure, this week I didn't.) If you look at my blog and scroll down you'll see links to Barn Charm and Farm Friend and a Homestead Hop. They would all love to see your photos.

  5. Some people don't see the beauty of these old barns like we do, but they're the bees knees to me! I love them all!!! =)

    You cracked me up w/ the 'born in a barn' comment... seriously, I laughed out loud! Ya gotta be creative w/ kids around! =)

    Thanks so much for joining & can't wait to see your pics of the inside of the dairy!!!

    Thanks again!

  6. Hahahaha made me laugh "born in a barn" I could only imagine the eyes popping ^_^. I couldn't believe the barns that you've taken they are all beautiful the landscape is pretty. That one alone in the middle of no where is really pretty too. And with the kids around I think this is a good way to make them busy hehe. Thanks for sharing.

    Barn Charm


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