Painting Inspiration

National Paint Week: Tutorial Painting British Flag on Fence Boards

I made this British Flag inspired art for my nephew, Kirby. He is 18 and collects flags from around the world, so I thought this would go...

Friday, June 17, 2011

What is that JUNK? On the potting bench

 This is my potting bench. My handy husband Joe made me 4 years ago out of scrap pallet wood. Love it, oh, and him too!  Over the years, I have covered the top of it with various objects d' art... well, at least they are art according to me. "What the heck is all that JUNK," you might ask?

 This is "Mr. Happy" and "Mr. Grumpy". I know that Mr. Happy was once the bracket that held together some old saw horses, because I have 4 of them and personally took part in the dismantling and subsequent kidnapping of them. Mr. Grumpy, however, came from the woods. In a pile of old rusty things, he was looking up at me. His blue teeth all bared. I just had to bring him home. I have no idea what he originally was. Any ideas??

The lower portion of my potting bench is more practical, old shovel, sprinkler, handleless rake, old bottles... all the usual stuff... roller skate, bird nest. It does work well for potting plants, the dirt just falls between the wood slats to the plastic bin of soil below.

"Wait... roller skate?"
Yep, this old roller skate use to be mine as a child, it hung on my Dad's garage wall for years.

This huge fan was once part of a car, I think. I found it in the woods too. The things you find while huckleberry picking in Idaho are astounding, really. This Folgers Coffee can was with it. Treasure to me, trash to others. (Huge push for recycling here, this can is at least 30 years old and you can still read it. NOT biodegradable.Tin is recyclable. OK, off my soap box....)

 Last summer a robin made this lovely nest in our carport. She didn't come back this year so I moved the nest here. Talk about ART!

For more fun and Funky Junk hop on over to the Saturday Night Special at Funky Junk Interiors.


  1. I love your junky potting bench! It is interesting and unexpected. The whole thing is a work of art!

  2. I love love love Mr. Grumpy! I can totally picture him looking up at your from the ground in the woods. When I saw that the third feature was a junk one, I got all excited!! I am actually thinking of changing my post today from one I already wrote to a junk one just to participate! Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Right up my alley!!!! I love old junk--use alot of it in my gardens. I really like Mr. Grumpy.

  4. Hilarious! Love the happy and grumpy faces. Priceless...


  5. love mr. grumpy!
    amy of four corners design


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