Painting Inspiration

National Paint Week: Tutorial Painting British Flag on Fence Boards

I made this British Flag inspired art for my nephew, Kirby. He is 18 and collects flags from around the world, so I thought this would go...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Painted Candy Corn Kids Craft

Welcome Back to Day 7 of my 31 Days of Paint series. See the entire series HERE.

Painted Candy Corn Kids Craft

For supplies we used 2 paper cones, glitter glue in orange, gold and silver. Craft paint in orange, yellow and white. We actually used white house paint because we were out of white craft paint and fabric paint for the orange. {Use what you've got, right?}  Tape, paint brush and an old jar lid for pallet. We also used craft paper to cover the work surface and Daddy's old shirt to cover the Kiddo.

I taped off one section of the cone at a time and assigned a color to each section and had Sophie paint each color. While one color was drying, we went and washed our jar lid pallet, paint brush and hands. When one color dried we removed the tape and moved on to the next color. 

We spread this project out over 2 days, but it could easily be done in 1. When all the paint was dry the next day, we added the glitter glue, one at a time to match the paint color. No tape was used. She just followed the lines. I helped smooth out some lumpy spots but otherwise, I just let her go for it.

They are messy and imperfect and I love them. After all, Sophie is 5. These will be with us forever. 

Here is a triangle piece of scrap wood we found in Joe's shop and used the same technique. Sophie painted this one too. She loves to paint. She's so much like her Momma. :)

These little paint projects are a so much fun. They are messy and creative as all the best things are. I do recommend complete supervision when doing this project. I left the room to get my camera and our white Chihuahua had an orange spot between her ears. It wore off eventually after some scrubbing.

Tomorrow's Post: Honesty I don't know... hmmm, a surprise. 

Linking up with:
Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

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