Painting Inspiration

National Paint Week: Tutorial Painting British Flag on Fence Boards

I made this British Flag inspired art for my nephew, Kirby. He is 18 and collects flags from around the world, so I thought this would go...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thinking Spring

While doing a little grocery shopping yesterday, I spotted this little bundle of tulips in the produce section. And I thought, "Who wouldn't pay $5 for a little spring cheer?"

I placed them in my favorite PURPLE Ball Jar, right in front of my living room window. Notice the view? Nothing but snow, tons of fresh, constantly falling S-N-O-W {4 letter word}.

 I gathered a few of my favorite beachy things, like my clock made to look like a ships steering wheel {I know it has a name, but I can't think of it. A little help?} And my little rusty toy wagon filled with shells.

I LOVE this jar. It is the perfect shade of purple. It even has a purple glass insert for the lid. I love the imperfections in the glass and tarnished metal ring.

View Improved!

Linking with:
Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. What a wonderfuyl assortment of purples. I love them all, but the tuilps are the prettiest.

  2. Nice post. Those tulips look great in that purple jar and I love that little red wagon!!! ~~Sherry~~

  3. I have to say, I have a few friends who spend a FORTUNE on vases for this very thing, glass cut vases, that they think enhance the flowers. I myself think there is not prettier vase than an old mason jar. What loveliness you have here!! Happy VTT!

  4. I did the same thing at the store, tulips 2 bunches for $10! pink and white. Your purple looks great in the purple ball jar!

  5. I've seen the blue jars but never a purple. How pretty!

  6. That is a lovely jar and the tulips are gorgeous!! I love them in front of the S-N-O-W.


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