Painting Inspiration

National Paint Week: Tutorial Painting British Flag on Fence Boards

I made this British Flag inspired art for my nephew, Kirby. He is 18 and collects flags from around the world, so I thought this would go...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Painted & Yarn Wrapped Fall Wreath

Welcome Back to Day 5 of my 31 Days of Paint series. See the entire series HERE.

Painted Fall Wreath

I got this wreath form at the Dollar Store. The simple straw just cried out for a paint job.

The handle on the paint can above makes spray painting so much easier. I highly recommend this under $3 purchase. It really saves your fingers.

After painting the wreath and letting it dry for a day or so, I gathered up 2 shades of yarn. I have been admiring those yarn wreaths that are all over the blogosphere lately. Let me tell you, wrapping an entire wreath in yarn takes patience. Patience that I don't have. So I only half wrapped mine. :)

One thing really good about using this type of wreath is that it is easy to tie your yarn off and start a new color. I just tied off, cut and tied the next color on, wrapped and tied again.

I purchased these pale yellow sunflowers at the Dollar Store too. I popped the flowers off of the stems and cut the plastic piece that held the stem off so that it would glue flat. I also glued one leaf to each flower before hot gluing the flowers to the wreath.

Then I hot glued my flowers in place.

I tied a piece of scrap fabric to the top to form a  rough looking bow and wired it to my door knocker.

I tried this wreath out above my Fall Mantel but settled for the front door. I like the colors with my red door.

Here's a view of it on the porch with the Scarecrow I made last fall and WELCOME sign from my last post.  {Notice I moved the WELCOME sign up? I am constantly moving things.}

Tomorrow's Post: Ugly Lamp Gets A Paint Job

I hope you enjoy my new series. I welcome your tips, ideas and links to your paint projects in my comments below.

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